បន្លែក្រសាំងទាប ជា​រុក្ខជាតិប្រភេទស្មៅ ដែលអាចដុះបានដោយឯងឯង ប៉ុន្តែមានគុណប្រយោជន៍ជាច្រើនសម្រាប់សុខភាព និងសម្រស់ លំផក ជាមួកមួយប្រភេទ សម្រាប់ប្រើប្រាស់បែង ចែកតាមលំដាប់តួនាទី និងក្នុងពិធីផ្សេងៗ នៅក្នុងវប្បធម៌ខ្មែរ ប្រវត្តិ អត្ថន័យ នៃព្រះរាជពិធីបុណ្យច្រត់ព្រះនង្គ័ល និងរបៀបរបបនៃការប្រារព្ធព្រះរាជពិធី ក្រកោ រុក្ខជាតិដុះនៅតំបន់ព្រៃភ្នំកម្ពុជា អាចប្រើប្រាស់ជាឱសថសម្រាប់ព្យាបាលជំងឺជាច្រើនមុខ ៧ចំណុច ក្នុងជីវភាពប្រចាំថ្ងៃ ដែលឪម្តាយគួរចៀងវាងក្នុងការចិញ្ចឹមកូនរបស់អ្នក អត្ថន័យដ៏ជ្រាលជ្រៅ និងមូលហេតុពិត ដែល «ផ្តិលថ្មកែវ» បានក្លាយជានិមិត្តរូបរបស់ខេត្តពោធិ៍សាត់  ប្រវត្តិកាលពី១១៧ឆ្នាំមុន ទាក់ទងនឹងរឿងរ៉ាវដែលនាំឲ្យសៀមប្រគល់ខេត្តបាត់ដំបង មកឲ្យខ្មែរវិញក្រោមការគ្រប់គ្រងដោយបារាំង នាសម័យនោះ

5 Tips to Practice Good Public Hygiene

It would seem that public hygiene protocol is not something easily forgotten since it is a standard taught since kindergarten, underscored in middle school, and essential to get your college diploma. Yet there are times, more often than we’d like to admit, that we may know the “do’s” and “don’ts” of social proprieties, but choose not to embrace them.

Stay classy and clean with these simple tips on how to display good hygiene when out in public.

Cover your mouth

This one is a no-brainer, but deserves to be first on the list. Hearing you sneeze or cough is one thing; feeling either of these is entirely another. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing and keep your hands clean by using your upper arm as a shield.

One tissue does not conquer all

Feeling under the weather? Looking and feeling your best can be difficult when your sinuses and lungs are working against you. You can do your best to show you care about public hygiene by following the rules of thumb such as washing your hands regularly, using hand sanitizer, and pulling out clean tissues every time you need to use them in public.

Watch for bad habits

Bad habits like biting your nails, playing with your hair or touching your face can work against the image you’re trying to project. These habits are also a way that unwanted grime, oils, and bacteria can spread from different areas on your body and eventually onto objects you touch. Do yourself (and others) a favor by keeping your hands away from the top half of your body whenever possible.


Laundry is an arduous (and thankless) task, but there are few public hygiene no-no’s worse than dirty clothes. Designate one day of the week as laundry day and stick to it. Invest in a dependable iron and ironing board, and carry a stain remover in your purse or briefcase.


For smokeless tobacco users, a small, spill-proof spittoon is a necessity and the ultimate display of good public hygiene. Fortunately, for these individuals, there’s FLASR, an Atlanta-based company that specialize in exactly that. The FLASR spittoon has a chic design that is pocket-size and features a secure locking mechanism to avoid messy mishaps.

For more information about FLASR, visit www.flasr.com.
